Saturday, 20 August 2011

Science Week Cupcakes

I haven't been back to the markets since returning from Europe. I found that with all the work I put into baking each weekend for a stall at the markets, there wasn't enough reward. I enjoy baking and putting in the effort for details but only when people appreciate it. The market in Darwin is different to the rest of the Australian population, made up of people who don't really desire a cake at 10 o'clock in the morning at a market filled with the smells of asian cooking.

Planets & Solar System Cupcakes

I miss baking so I volunteered to make science themed cupcakes to promote National Science Week at the Parap and Nightcliff markets. Have you ever had to make edible science treats?
Dinosaur cupcakes

I went through a few designs and discarded them for fear of putting people off cake altogether eg. the brain cupcake. Here are my designs... once again I ended up giving them away for free because I don't think people really associate science with food!

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