Thursday, 27 October 2011

So jealous!

I've recently stumbled across a bzillion blogs and websites that do my humble little Maeli's Homemade blog to justice. They include Homemade Markets (Perth and Canberra) and Homemade Shops (Canberra), Fashion blogs between sisters and ideas for DIY cooking and projects. This is my favourite. And this! So I think I should start curating all of the things that I make and bake. Because there seems to be a great market online in design, creativity and boutique funky old school products.
I wish I could figure out how to make funky looking pop-ups on my blog that link to my BurdaStyle projects. But here is one:
I'd also like to start taking more professional photos of my cooking on nice plates so they can look as good as my favourite blogs. Handemadeology is now officially the coolest website too! I'd like to start a Handmade Market in Darwin that only operates 4 times a year. It would really attract the best designers and there are alot of creative people in the Top End.
Not sure how to do this though!

1 comment:

  1. hi there:) there's a gadget named picture, you can add a url of the burda project to it. hope it helps:)
